Как заработать Bitcoin без вложений 2016 Заработок Биткоин 2016 на Полном автомате
Опубликовано: 9 окт. 2016 г.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://goo.gl/2It8ql https://goo.gl/bOewGB
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Bitcoin Can't Scale Like Ethereum (SEGWIT FOILED) / Dates To Look Forward To
Опубликовано: 10 окт. 2016 г.Please watch: «Your U.S. Dollar, Euro, British Pound, and Rupee Are Worthless- We Have REAL Money Now.» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooIJC...
BTCVIA, a bitcoin mining pool with 12% of the total hashpower, has just interrupted Bitcoin Core's plans for Segregated Witness' Off-Chain Scaling. Will this finally cause people to jump to alternative blockchain Ethereum, rather than Bitcoin's, when **it hits the fan in the mainstream financial markets?
We explore those ideas in this video, as well as recall some important dates ahead of us, which pertain to cryptocurrency investors.
Cheers...Thank YOU for watching!
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Could China Cause Bitcoin to Reach $100,000 Soon?/ On Earth's Crypto-Singularity Austere Revolution
Опубликовано: 8 окт. 2016 г.Please watch: «Your U.S. Dollar, Euro, British Pound, and Rupee Are Worthless- We Have REAL Money Now.» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooIJC...
As the Chinese Golden Week comes to a close, their markets are set for historically increased volatility next week- will new rounds of money printing lead the Chinese further and further into cryptocurrency, driving it to new heights?
If Bitcoin quickly surpasses all expected numbers, it has the potential to be further embraced by governments, and public, in new «Smart Cities», that will push humanity to science fiction's self-fulfilling prophesies of a future.
Federal Reserve to Address Blockchain in New Speech
Much love, and all the best to all of you in your crypto-endeavors!
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Much love, and all the best to all of you in your crypto-endeavors!
Please hit like if you appreciated the video, comment any and all thoughts (I read each and every one, and get back when I can), and don't forget to subscribe. I upload frequently, and try to get you the latest developments within the Ethereum/crypto space, so hop on the bus if you haven't already :)
Опубликовано: 12 окт. 2016 г.Из данного видео вы узнаете, как можно быстро заработать в Интернете за 1 день 5$. В этом нам поможет хайп investbs, который предоставляет возможность получить 105% от вложений за 1 день
Опубликовано: 26 июн. 2016 г.Привет, сегодня я подобрал для вас 10 самых крутых и полезных вещей для лета с AliExpress. Только лучшие товары с алиэкспрес