Day Trading 60 Second Binary Options Using Martingale Trading Strategy

Day Trading 60 Second Binary Options Using Martingale Trading Strategy

Опубликовано: 30 нояб. 2014 г.USA Friendly Broker:
EU Licensed Broker:
Step 1: Click on the “Trade Now” tab on the top left hand side of the page. After that, click on the “SIXTY SECONDS” tab on the horizontal pane just below the large banner. Now, you will notice that the “Trader Choice” tool does not appear below the graph once you select the “SIXTY SECONDS” tab. That is fine and you should not worry about it. What you need to do is click on the “HIGH/LOW” tab and consult the percentage that the “Trader Choice” tool displays. If it displays a greater percentage in GREEN, then revert back to the “SIXTY SECONDS” tab. It is crucially important to always follow the direction with the greatest percentage when making decision – and to stick with that direction for the duration of the strategy.
Step 2:
Next, click on the tab labeled “60 Seconds”. I’ve made sure to circle the tab in red below so you can see where to click. Then, look at the “ASSET” dropdown menu located on the left of the screen and choose EUR/USD. After that, from the dropdown menu labeled “Amount: $” on the left side of your screen, place an amount of $5 for your first trade. After that, what you need to do is choose “CALL”; this entails that you believe that the value of this pair is going to rise. Then, simply select “APPLY”. The platform will give you the option to cancel or approve your decision for a few seconds after making it, and after three seconds have passed, your trade will be live and a 60-second timer will begin to count down below the trade. If the trade goes in your favor, your profit will amount to $3.50. If you end up WINNING, go back and repeat the first two Steps. If you end up LOSING, continue to the third Step.

Step 3:
Check to make sure that you’re still using the “60 Seconds” tab and that you have still selected EUR/USD. Only this time, choose $25 from the “Amount: $” menu (marked in red in the image below). Just like in Step two, choose a “CALL” option and select “APPLY”. If the trade goes in your favor, you will get $42.5 – enough to cover your $5 in losses from Step two, and give you a profit of $12.5 in total. If you end up WINNING, go back and repeat the first two Steps. If you end up LOSING, continue to the fourth Step.

Step 4:
For this trade, choose $50.

As in Step three, choose a “CALL” option and select “APPLY”. If the trade goes in your favor, you will get $35 – $5 and $15 (total $20) in losses from Step three, and give you a profit of $15 in total. If you end up WINNING, go back and repeat the first three Steps. If you end up LOSING, continue to the fifth and final Step.

Step 5:
Getting to this fifth and final step is a rare but positive thing. This step can be a bit delicate and will require you to act quickly, but that’s exactly why it’s such an effective part of this strategy. First, follow all of the usual steps necessary set up your trade. This time, however, choose an investment of $100. Then, as swiftly as possible, approve that $100 trade and set up another trade, this one for $25, and immediately select “APPLY”. By trading $125 between two simultaneous trades with the same entry points, it becomes possible to make more profit. Look at the image below, where I’ve circled the entry points in red – you can see they’re almost the same, with a difference of just 0.00001. Notice that the payout for the first trade is set at $170, and the second trade is set at $42.5. That makes the return a total of $212.5, which is enough to cover the $5, $15, $50 and now $125 investments with a profit of $17.5 overall. As long as you are following this method by the letter as well as the golden rules shown below Step 5, your odds of winning this trade are of 100%. Most of the people who begin following my system always ask me how something so simple can truly be effective. The fact is that there is more to this system that just the five steps that you have read above. It is crucial to the effectiveness of this system that you follow a couple of simple guidelines.

Rule 1: If the “Trader Choice” tool displays an even percentage, DO NOT TRADE. It’s very important that there is a bias of some sort in one direction, even if the difference is of only 2%. That seemingly tiny difference is critical when it comes to trading currency pairs.
Rule 2: You need to act very quickly! Trading Binary Options is a very fast-paced activity and requires fast moving in order to catch a winning trade within a decimal base of five points. This rule especially applies to the fifth step. Try to match my quick but manageable pace as shown in the video right here on this page.BE ON YOUR TOES!

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TradeRush 60 sec. strategy.From $251.83 to $6757.50 in 1 week

TradeRush 60 sec. strategy.From $251.83 to $6757.50 in 1 week

Опубликовано: 17 окт. 2012 г.Traderush 60 seconds strategy. Follow these steps;
1.Go here to get started.
2. To receive complete strategy send email here.

Send me an email after signing up above and I will show more strategy and send you a binary options money making ebook and money management guide.

Happy trading. :)

Opteck Broker Successful Binary Options Trading With Opteck Broker 375$ In 10 Minutes

Opteck Broker Successful Binary Options Trading With Opteck Broker 375$ In 10 Minutes

Опубликовано: 9 февр. 2015 г.Free $100 Account:

Opteck is a binary option trading platform brand that belongs to a UK company called BNET ONLINE LTD that was established in 2011. The holding company is registered at #788-790, Finchley road, London, UK. The Opteck trading platform is a result of efforts by several professionals from the financial and software development sectors whose aims were to produce a binary option trading platform that caters to both novices and experienced binary options traders. Although Opteck is not regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), as a UK incorporated company, BNET ONLINE LTD is still required to maintain a high standard of fiduciary to their clients according to UK company laws.

As mentioned earlier, the Opteck trading platform was developed for both novices and experienced traders. Being 100% web-based, the trading platform doesn’t require any software to be downloaded in order for it to work. This also means any internet capable computer will be able to access the trading platform. Traders who wish to trade on their Smartphone can download the Opteck App from Apple App Store or Google Play.
The trading platform allows traders to trade in around 60 underlying assets and offers high returns within a time frame of as little as 15 minutes. The platform allows traders to trade directly from the chart as well as from the symbol listing below the chart. This is a massive advantage for placing trades quickly with the full market picture in front of you.

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Learn How I Turned $16k into $131k Trading Options on NFLX

Learn How I Turned $16k into $131k Trading Options on NFLX

Опубликовано: 11 дек. 2014 г.Learn how I turned $16,700 into $131,200 on a 1-year trade using LEAPS options on Netlfix (NFLX). This video shows how a professional stock and options trader approaches the Stock Market and uses advanced entry and exit strategies to effectively manage a winning trade, while using the power and leverage of options.

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Learn how to trade the Stock Market like a professional using the power and leverage of options with Option Trading Coach!

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Binary Options: Binary Options Strategy and Binary Options Trading (Binary Options)

Binary Options: Binary Options Strategy and Binary Options Trading (Binary Options)

Опубликовано: 21 июн. 2016 г.Binary Options. How to Use Binary Options Strategy? How to make Binary Options Trading on Binary Options?
★ Register and trade on binary options ➤➤
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Today I'm going to show you how to trade on binary options. You can use binary option strategy ar binary option signal, but the best way how to trade binary options is to watch this video about binary options. Binary trading is the main topic of this binary option tutorial video, so watch it to the very end and you will know how to trade binary options.

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Опубликовано: 31 мая 2013 г.Binary Options Are Never Guaranteed To Profit 100% Of the Time. But This Strategy Sets the Bar HIGH. See inside here:

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You can find free live charts for analyzing trends with binary options assets here:

Binary Options have been very popular over the last few years because of their unique ability to help people profit quickly with the click of a button.

I've been involved with Binary Option Trading for about two years now and from my experience, the above method for how to trade binary options is the best I've tried and is a long term strategy used by many professional traders.

If you are looking for the best Binary Options Strategy to get started trading with then the above video is for you. Of course their is a learning curve as with anything.



Опубликовано: 24 июл. 2016 г.Binary Options: How i lose all my money on binary options.Take care on binary options and binary options trading!
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Don't reply my mistake in binary options my friend. In this video i show you how i failed in binary options. You should real control your steps in binary options strategy and notice all binary signal. Trading binary options is difficult and dangerous, sometimes the same situations happen. But binary options trading can really bring you money. I lost all money, but i'm not afraid. Next time I will trade better on binary option. This video is closer for lesson «How to not trade on Binary option»))

Binary Options: Binary Options 2016

Binary Options For Beginners 2016- BEST Binary Options Strategies 2016

Binary Options For Beginners 2016- BEST Binary Options Strategies 2016

Опубликовано: 7 февр. 2016 г.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Binary Options For Beginners 2016- Best Binary Options Strategies 2016
Binary Options trading is easy to explain. Binary means something that has two parts. In binary options you will be given a starting price, after choosing an asset. Lets say the USD/EUR is 1.1 (1.1 USD = 1 EUR). All you have to do now is to decide whether the price of the currencies will go UP or DOWN. You only have these two options, therefore it's called binary. In binary trading we call it 'PUT' if the price goes down and 'CALL' if the price goes up. It's more than likely that you will see these two words on a broker site, rather than UP or DOWN.

The expiry time is another important factor when trading binary. In order to win, you will have to pick an expiry time, which means that your CALL or PUT action will be counted only at the very moment of the expiry time. Lets say you feel lucky, and try a 60 second binary trade. This means that you will find out if you won or lost exactly after these 60 seconds. Even if you select CALL (price will rise) and the starting price falls at first, important is that it is higher after 60 seconds, than it was at the time of starting the trade. Simple right?

CLICK HERE: Binary Options For Beginners 2016- Best Binary Options Strategies 2016
Binary Options For Beginners 2016- Best Binary Options Strategies 2016
The brokers in our top10 list can be very similar in some aspects and very different in other aspects. You should try out a few binary options brokers, before sticking to one. In the end it may come down to personal preference, when picking your favorite site.