New Best Magic editing compilation 2016 - Best magic trick ever

New Best Magic editing compilation 2016 — Best magic trick ever

Опубликовано: 18 сент. 2016 г.New Best Magic editing compilation 2016 — Best magic trick ever.I hope you enjoyed this Magic Vines Compilation !
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➞ Funny Fails Compilation 2016:
➞ Funny Animals Compilation 2016:
➞ Funny Vines Compilation 2016:
➞ Best cute cats in the world 2016:
➞ Cute cats compilation 2016:
➞ Best Fails Of All Time
➞ Ultimate Fails Compilation 2016:
➞ Funny Cat Fails Compilation:
➞ Funny Cats Compilation:
➞ Best cute cats in the world 2016:
➞ Cute cats compilation 2016:
➞ Baby Panda Compilation:
➞ Best Fails Of All Time
➞ Funny Vines Compilation 2016:
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How to open lock with a nut wrenches in 2 seconds. Cool Life Hack of the Day

How to open lock with a nut wrenches in 2 seconds. Cool Life Hack of the Day

Опубликовано: 31 мая 2016 г.Hi, Everybody. In this video I will show you an idea how to open a check-lock if you happened to lose your key. Off course it will work only on smaller standard locks and not for massive security locks.
You can try this simple life hack at home. Just find the right size of nut wrenches for the particular lock!

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How to Pick a Lock (Basics)

How to Pick a Lock (Basics)

Опубликовано: 20 авг. 2015 г.I show how pin-tumbler locks work and how they can be opened using lock picks. This is a fairly basic view about lock picking but I wanted to make it comprehensive to give people a good idea of the concepts. As well as a foundation for beginners in lock picking to get a better view of how a lock works and how it can be exploited. The pin-tumbler is a very common lock mechanism that uses pins of varying lengths to prevent the lock from opening without the correct key. Most locks around the home or office are simple pin-and-tumbler locks and can be relatively easy to open using a pick and a tension wrench.

While the process is simple and can be mastered with practice, picking such a lock requires a great deal of patience. It can be a hobby as well as a practical skill. Locksmiths define lock-picking as the manipulation of a lock's components to open a lock without a key. To understand lock picking you first have to know how locks and keys work. Most locks are based on fairly similar concepts but they do come in all shapes and sizes, with many design variations. As this is just to cover the basics I don’t go over security pins or more advanced techniques. This video is for educational purposes only.

How to make a Lock Pick:
How to Make a Simple Lock Shim:
How to Open Locked Suitcases/Baggage without a Key:
Lock Picking a Master Lock No.3 and No.21:

The lock picks that I use (The Tuxedo Set) plus some extra stuff:
1 x Best Buster Snake rake 0.025 Thick
2 x Triple Rake 0.025 Thick
1 x Small Half Diamond 0.025 Thick
1 x Offset Hybrid 0.025 Thick
1 x Short Hook 0.025 Thick
1 x City Rake 0.025 Thick
6 x Tension Wrenches
1 x Homemade Pry Bar
3 x Homemade Picks (Hook, Half Diamond, Snake Rake)

The diagrams and information on pin-tumbler locks:



Lock picking is the art of unlocking a lock by analyzing and manipulating the components of the lock device without the original key. In addition, ideal lock picking should not damage the lock itself, allowing it to be rekeyed for later use, which is especially important with antique locks that would be impossible to replace if destructive entry methods were used. Although lock picking can be associated with criminal intent, it is an essential skill for a locksmith, and is often pursued by law abiding citizens as a useful skill to learn or simply a hobby. The move towards combination locks for high security items such as safes was intended to remove the weakest part of the lock: its keyhole.

Music: YouTube Audio Library
Tracks: Without_A_Sound, Up_Above
Artists: Letter Box

©2016 Von Malegowski. All Rights Reserved.

Как открыть замок гаечным ключом

Как открыть замок гаечным ключом

Опубликовано: 28 февр. 2016 г.Всем привет друзья, в этом видео я вам покажу замечательную идею о том как можно взломать ваш навесной замок, если вдруг вы потеряли ключи.

5 Awesome OTG Ideas

5 Awesome OTG Ideas

Опубликовано: 26 сент. 2016 г.Subscribe to VlogTimes Creative

Checkout 5 Awesome USB OTG Ideas. These Cool Things you can do with OTG Connector.

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5 DIY Projects: Keyring Gift Ideas - 21/30

5 DIY Projects: Keyring Gift Ideas — 21/30

Опубликовано: 4 июл. 2016 г.5 simple ideas for DIY keyrings projects. Simple ad quick to do, no super spacial tools needed. Gift ideas for someone special, or a gift for someone you forgot was his/her birthday and need to do something in 10 minutes… :)

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How to make a Portable USB cell-phone charger

How to make a Portable USB cell-phone charger

Опубликовано: 15 мая 2016 г.How to make a portable USB cell-phone charger for iPhone, iPod, MP3, MP4 with your own hands.
Using battery, wires, USB automobile charger you can make a portable charger for your cell-phone, iPod, MP3 player or any other gadget with your own hands easily.
Constructing it with your own hands we get a universal charger for a cell-phone, iPod, MP3, MP4...

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Welcome to my channel Roman UrsuHack where you will learn how to make hand made crafts, New Year crafts, presents, toys, Halloween scares. The main thing is that one can make it at home and with one's own hands.
You are interested in handiwork, craft or you just have nothing to do, haven't you? You have found the channel you really need. Here you can find lots of crafts, hand made items, and the main thing is that they all made of make-shifts and at the lowest cost!

AMAZING Net Fishing - Net Fishing at Siem Reap Province - Cambodia Traditional Fishing #17

AMAZING Net Fishing — Net Fishing at Siem Reap Province — Cambodia Traditional Fishing #17

Опубликовано: 3 сент. 2016 г.AMAZING Net Fishing — Net Fishing at Siem Reap Province — Cambodia Traditional Fishing #17

My video show about traditional fishing in Cambodia. thank for watching my video.

cambodia fishing net,
cambodia fishing tour,
cambodia fishing 2015,
cambodia fishing tonlesap,
fishing snakehead in cambodia,
fishing in cambodia 2014,
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cambodia fishing

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬More Videos▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

-Net Fishing Near Angkor Wat Temple — Cambodia Traditional Fishing — Khmer Cast Net Fishing #1

-Net Fishing at Siem Reap Province — Cambodia Traditional Fishing — Khmer Cast Net Fishing #2

-Net Fishing at Siem Reap Province — Cambodia Traditional Fishing — Khmer Cast Net Fishing #3

-Net Fishing at Siem Reap Province — Cambodia Traditional Fishing — Khmer Cast Net Fishing #4

Net Fishing at Siem Reap Province — Cambodia Traditional Fishing — Khmer Cast Net Fishing #5

-Net Fishing at Siem Reap Province — Cambodia Traditional Fishing — Khmer Cast Net Fishing #6

-Net Fishing at Siem Reap Province — Cambodia Traditional Fishing — Khmer Cast Net Fishing #7

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Net fishing — net fishing at Siem Reap province — catching fish by hand, part 08. go to my channel for watcing more videos such as net fishing traditional fishing in cambodia how to catch eels .

more video for net fishing:… khmer fishing .
«commercial fishing» these fish feed families none go to waste that being said if you don't like it too bad.

net fishing khmer .

madraba: bluefin tuna net fishing morocco. some others like to use fishing net some like mosquito net or just a net to catch the fishes.

cast net in cambodia | throw fishing net at south west of cambodia.
commercial wade fishing with a 12ft cast net.
amazing how much fish can come out of a small hole this is enough for today but there fishing there most every afternoon.
net fishing big catch in shallow sea- full video.

kampong speu fishing .
khmer people are so happy after finishing working on their rice field so they relax and go fishing along the stream near by the village...

this can catch just one fish at a time but it's fun and made us calm down. still it was fun but i'd only really recommend this to those who really need fish for the winter that didn't have time to catch enough during the summer months...
we may not have come home with the 35 fish we were hoping for but we only saw 3 other people pull a fish all day so we're glad we caught anything at all. net fishing at kampong speu province, cambodia part 02 | khmer net fishing 2014. net fishing in tropical shallow sea by 1km long fishing net. cambodia throwing net fishing .

fishing net .

Cambodia continues to take pleasure from strong development, albeit at a slower tempo slightly. Economic development in 2015 is projected to reach 7 percent in comparison to 7.1 percent in 2014 with the garment, development and services is an integral drivers of the overall economy. Growth is likely to remain strong in 2016, as the recovery of domestic demand and export clothing dynamic offset stagnation in the agricultural and soft growth in tourism.

Individual's development especially in the regions of health insurance and education remain the main element difficulties and priorities in the introduction of Cambodia, 32 percent (or 0.5 million) of children under five yrs. old dwarf; 82 percent (12.2 million people) of the folks of Cambodia don't have access to normal water source and 63 percent (9.3 million people) don't have access to increased sanitation (2014).

Cambodia has prevailed in the fight HIV / Assists, malaria and tuberculosis. The prevalence of HIV infection among adults aged 15-49 years, down from 0.9 percent in 2006 to 0.7 percent in 2012. In 2014, 89 percent of Assists patients who are productive in Cambodia. usage of antiviral treatment coverage rate is not just one of the best in the producing world, TB prevalence rate per 100,000 society dropped from 1,230 in 2005 to 715 instances in 2013, and mortality rates. never to 157-66 TB conditions per 100,000 in the same period. The occurrence of malaria dropped from 71.814 in '09 2009 to 24.135 in 2013, and the mortality rate of malaria cases has dropped over the same period 219-12 dramatically. Cambodia coming to attaining the purpose of eliminating malaria by 2015.