3 Ideas about making DIY gadget projects for a smartphone

3 Ideas about making DIY gadget projects for a smartphone

Опубликовано: 12 окт. 2016 г.Today I am going to share 3 ideas about making DIY gadget projects for a smartphone. In spite of the fact that you can buy it all many people are still trying to find ways save their money on such expenses. Just as in our case you can make fine DIY projects from old USB plugs torn by your pets. For instance you can make a flashlight, an adapter and make an earphones or microphone input plug case either from old or new USB plugs!
FB: https://www.facebook.com/romanursuhack
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/romanursu
Main channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/romanursu...

Welcome to my channel Roman UrsuHack where you will learn how to make hand made crafts, New Year crafts, presents, toys, Halloween scares. The main thing is that one can make it at home and with one's own hands.
You are interested in handiwork, craft or you just have nothing to do, haven't you? You have found the channel you really need. Here you can find lots of crafts, hand made items, and the main thing is that they all made of make-shifts and at the lowest cost!

How to make a mini Hydrogen Generator / TUTORIAL

How to make a mini Hydrogen Generator / TUTORIAL

Опубликовано: 23 июн. 2016 г.How to make a hydrogen generator? Water to Fuel Converter ?
By means of electrical influence using simple water one can get gas, and gather in into a special container and use this gas (hydrogen) for power supply of engines or other appliances. We will make a hydrogen generator!
I suggest to make a hydrogen generator at home!
Watching video tutorial you know how to make a hydrogen generator at home, we just need to find a way to use gas we got from hydrogen!

FB: https://www.facebook.com/romanursuhack
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/romanursu
Main channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/romanursu...

Welcome to my channel Roman UrsuHack where you will learn how to make hand made crafts, New Year crafts, presents, toys, Halloween scares. The main thing is that one can make it at home and with one's own hands.
You are interested in handiwork, craft or you just have nothing to do, haven't you? You have found the channel you really need. Here you can find lots of crafts, hand made items, and the main thing is that they all made of make-shifts and at the lowest cost!

6 Incredible Gadgets and Life hacks

6 Incredible Gadgets and Life hacks

Опубликовано: 4 окт. 2016 г.6 incredible homemade gaadgets and life hacks:
cool down spoon,simple alarm made from clothespin,dual sim
+ micro sd life hack,saw made from air freshener,mini electric
cannon and real pen gun with trigger.

Will it explode-Bottle:https://youtu.be/kpmdDv4LffM

Home theater video:https://youtu.be/zBit4giG8ng

HACKSCRIBE to my channel page and visit my cool videos:

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DIY Keychain Phone Charger:https://youtu.be/OCzJwj2R_Y4

Homemade 3Doodler:https://youtu.be/0MFmsBpYXTk

How To Make Most Secret Stash Ever:https://youtu.be/GYSc0v2ZlT8

How To Make Mini Crossbow Out Of Pen:https://youtu.be/m71tnGNVlqA

How To Make Shocking Pen:https://youtu.be/s_OCAnWMNL0

How To Make Smoke Ring Launcher:https://youtu.be/6Q6FjZYCoqo

DIY Glowing Spitballs:https://youtu.be/Uw5xprybOqQ

How To Make Cardboard Bionic Hand :https://youtu.be/R7TnonEDG6E

Monster 10,000 Lumens 1000w equiv.LED Flashlight:https://youtu.be/GKqilTOsuAw


Making 3D Hologram From Bottle:https://youtu.be/XB1lCosntvg

New i3DG Hologram for Smartphones and Tablets:https://youtu.be/2PH_WpO0_Io

How To Make 3D Hologram Projector — No Glasses:https://youtu.be/9t0cOYvOy4M

Turn Your TV Into a 3D Hologram Projector:https://youtu.be/Bpp5k0AXNTA



Опубликовано: 21 сент. 2016 г.Google+ https://plus.google.com/+MrGearOfficial

Здравствуйте, дорогие друзья! В этом видео я покажу вам 3 интересных самоделки, которые вы с легкостью сможете повторить самостоятельно.

Что будет если опустить РЫБУ в ЖИДКИЙ АЗОТ?

Что будет если опустить РЫБУ в ЖИДКИЙ АЗОТ?

Опубликовано: 7 авг. 2016 г.Я показываю вам действительно интересные научные опыты, никого не убиваю, стараюсь сделать всё максимально понятно, пытаюсь хоть как-то вас обучить, но вы вместо этого дизаете и пишите, что я зверюга… Вам не стыдно? Да учёные пачками убивают невинных животных ради научных исследований, а тут я даже никого не убил, а вот кушая суши вы даже не задумываетесь, что для этого убили намного больше рыбы) Ну или просто кушая жареную рыбу… Блин обидно пипец...(
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