How to income on upwork first time new comer freelancer

How to income on upwork first time new comer freelancer

Опубликовано: 5 окт. 2016 г.Getting started on Upwork is not a small commitment. You will invest 2-4 hours of time on the front end on getting your profile ready in exchange for a continual flow of work once it is done.

When you get started on Upwork. The first thing you need to do is set up your profile as a contractor. Go through and fill out everything in as much detail as you can. Be sure to pay attention to their 'Profile Completion %' and make sure to get everything that they recommend.

Once your profile is 100% complete you will begin moving up the Upwork search engine much quicker.

Get your first job

Dive into to the search box and look for jobs similar to the skill sets you desire. Once you are in the search engine, take a look at the filter features on the left hand side. When getting started you just want to land a few jobs regardless of what they pay to get some positive reviews on your profile. Aim for 'Fixed priced jobs' instead of hourly and aim for something bewteen $50-$250.

Find a few jobs that seem interesting to you and go ahead and apply.

Early on, you will have to apply to a lot of jobs on Upwork. I recommend keeping your application quota maxed out at all times (Applications expire after 7 days and your quota will go back up). Over time, as you do more work, and you gain more high reviews for your work, you will begin to be regularly invited on jobs and you won't even have to deal with the application process anymore.

Generally the first job is the hardest. People are hesitant to hire someone with no reviews or past work on Upwork. Don't get discouraged and just take what you can to get that first job!

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