NaVi Dendi играет на Brewmaster+комментарии (Skype)

NaVi Dendi играет на Brewmaster+комментарии (Skype)

Опубликовано: 23 апр. 2015 г.NaVi Dendi играет на Brewmaster + русские комментарии
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Name: Daniil «Dendi» Ishutin

Position: Solo, Ganker
Born on December, 30th, 1989 in Lvov, Ukraine

Daniil started his eSports career back in 2005 posting on the forums about organizing a team that would claim to be the best in the Dota stage. Before joining NatusVincere he was a member of the WG, Ks.Int, and DTS teams. Since then, Daniel has won many tournaments in the ASUS Open series, as well as winning major tournaments such as ESWC and WDC.

At the end of 2010 Dendi joined Na`Vi, and a new chapter opened for the talented player. Dendi became famous for being one of the best solo minders in the world. His star shone brightly in the final of ESWC 2011. When playing Pudge, he killed members of the EHOME team with the speed of “one Chinese per minute”. Since that time, Pudge is often the first to get banned. Na’Vi, and Dendi has been considered a threat to be reckoned with by opponents. Dendi is undoubtedly one of the best solo-minders on the planet.Throughout the years, Dendie’s huge army of fans have given him many nicknames; The “Invoker-player”,and “The Pianist” are just a few. His invaluable experience in Chinese LANs, hard work and dedication help Daniel win.
Dendi Night Stalker
Денди Night Stalker
Денди Найт Сталкер
Dendi Найт Сталкер
гайд на Night Stalker
сборка на Night Stalker
guide на Night Stalker
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