How To Promote Zarfund (Or Any Business) On Social Media - Plain And Simple

How To Promote Zarfund (Or Any Business) On Social Media — Plain And Simple

Прямой эфир: 22 сент. 2016 г.Zarfund has a great donation plan. It is calculated and predictable. However, the promise of «spillover» cause many to disregard this simple system and start expecting their downline to be built for them. Remember the rule...«Get 2, and help them get 2». Thats it. If we do this we can build a thriving community.

In this video I show you how to go about promoting the Zarfund opportunity without chasing all your friends or isolating yourself from your friends. If you understand what I show you in this video you will have people chasing you!

Learn More About Zarfund:
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