RDTA Genisis Style Showdown Trick Tank Pro, Azeroth RDTA Review VS Combo VS Triad VS Limitless +

RDTA Genisis Style Showdown Trick Tank Pro, Azeroth RDTA Review VS Combo VS Triad VS Limitless +

Опубликовано: 2 окт. 2016 г.In this video I do a review on the tricktank pro by vgod & the azeroth rdta by coil art. they can be found here: http://www.vaporrange.com/VGOD-TrickT... for 70$

https://www.bevapehappy.com/products/... for 35$
I compare all these rdtas the limitless plus rdta vs the combo rdta by ijoy vs the triad rdta by asmodus vs trick tank pro rdta vs azeroth rdta. its the RDTA Showdown. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
this is the comparison review aka the showdown of all these 5 different rdtas the limitless plus rdta vs combo rdta vs triad rdta vs azeroth rdta vs tricktank pro rdta. these are all good and have great options. ill compare all of these in this showdown.

this product was sent to me by http://www.coilart.net/ and http://www.officialvgod.com/ will not change my opinion of this review

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