USFIV: Omega Mode - Rufus Move List Changes

USFIV: Omega Mode — Rufus Move List Changes

Опубликовано: 21 окт. 2016 г.This is a basic video breakdown that showcases Rufus' moveset changes featured in Ultra Street Fighter 4 Omega Mode. ▽MOVES LEGEND BELOW!!!▽

* The song used in the background of this video is Skullomania's theme from Street Fighter EX Plus.

All Super Combos have Armor Break properties in Omega Mode.
Level 1 Focus Attack knocks down the opponent.

Rufus Ultra Street Fighter IV Move List:

Mechanics Guide:


/ — or

_ — follow-up

(EX) — the move has EX capabilities

(AB) — the move has Armor Break properties

() — shows that a move has certain properties such as having to be performed in the Air


1. Movement Directions

↖ — upback
(Jumping Back)

↑ — up
(Jumping Upwards)

↗ — upforward
(Jumping Forward)

← — back
(Walking Back)

N — neutral

→ — forward
(Walking Forward)

↙ — downback
(Crouching Back*)

↓ — down

↘ — downforward
(Crouching Forward*)

* — there is no particular animation.

2. Attacks

LP — (Light Punch) * also named Weak Punch. Xbox 360 Controller= X \PS3 Controller= Square [ ]
MP — (Medium Punch) * also named Strong Punch. Xbox 360 Controller= Y \PS3 Controller= Triangle /\
HP — (Heavy Punch) * also named Fierce Punch. Xbox 360 Controller= RB(Right Blade) \PS3 Controller= R1
LK — (Light Kick) * also named Short Kick. Xbox 360 Controller= A \PS3 Controller= X
MK — (Medium Kick) * also named Forward Kick. Xbox 360 Controller= B \PS3 Controller= O
HK — (Heavy Kick) * also named Roundhouse Kick. Xbox 360 Controller= RT(Right Trigger) \PS3 Controller= R2

P — Any Punch Button
K — Any Kick Button
PP — Any two Punch Buttons (pressed at the same time)
KK — Any two Kick Buttons (pressed at the same time)
PPP — All Punch Buttons (pressed at the same time). Xbox 360 Controller= LB(Left Blade) \PS3 Controller= L1
KKK — All Kick Buttons (pressed at the same time). Xbox 360 Controller= LT(Left Trigger) \PS3 Controller= L2

3. Motions

↓ ↘ → — Press Down to Forward in a quick motion.

↓ ↙ ← — Press Down to Back in a quick motion.

→ ↓ ↘ — Press Forward to Down to DownForward in a quick motion. Easier done by pressing Forward to Down to Forward fast.

READ: For Special Moves to work you must do the motion first then press the last movement direction plus the attack button at the same time. Example — Galactic Tornado: do this first (↓ ↘) then press at the same time → + P. The same goes for all Special, EX or Super Moves.

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This exhibition serves as an educational video guide on how to play Ultra Street Fighter IV.
Street Fighter is owned by Capcom Co., Ltd, all rights reserved.

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